08 November 2010

Welcome Home...

"Houses... are alive. This is something we know. News from our nerve endings. If we're quiet, if we listen, we can hear houses breath. Sometimes, in the depth of the night, you can even hear them groan. It's as if they were having bad dreams. A good house cradles and comforts, a based one fills us with instinctive unease. Bad houses hate our warmth and our human-ness. That blind hate of our humanity is what we mean when we use the word 'haunted'."

Welcome to My personal Blog "A Blog for grown ups". I have dedicated my theme to one of my Favorite Books and Movies the Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: My Life at Rose Red.

For those that know me Know that my beliefs are rooted deep in Wicca. I believe that Spirits are all around us, Karma is real, and maybe just maybe there is more to this world then meets the eye.

I also believe in the right to speak ones mind. And that is exactly what I plan to do here. This is my blog, which means it will have stuff that spills out from my demented mind... There fore if you offend easily, please spare the world the web space it takes to write a nasty comment and piss off. All that's going to do is make me laugh at your immaturity as I delete the proof of your stupidity (or simply the proof you can’t read)...

Ok now if you are still with me and reading this, I must warn you that I suck at spelling and if I am in a hurry I am not going to waste my time with spell check... Again my blog, no one is forcing you to read it so either shut up and put on your big girl panties *ya boys you too!* or... well you know the rest!

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